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Museum of Feelings

I've been wanting to finish this blog post for the longest time. I've been crazy lazy and busy lately. But since I'm on winter break right now, I guess I have no other excuses.
A little background on Museum of Feelings:1. The museum was open for a limited time only. It closed on December 15.2. At the end of the museum, you find out that it was made by Glade. 3. It became very hype because of the gram.
My boyfriend and I started off our day practicing our 50-yard dash to the bus stop. Once we reached the city, the very first thing on our minds was pizza. Nothing is as good as Two Bros $1 pizza for your first meal of the day. After gobbling up our "struggle slices," we headed to the subway on our way downtown.
After wandering, we finally got to Brookfield Place. The first thing we saw was the cool contemporary building with a familiar big sign that said "Museum of Feelings." The next thing we saw was the not so cool but very big crowd waiting to get into the museum. The line snaked back and forth almost 6 times before you reached the entrance. Between the aesthetics of Brookfield Place, the pier and Museum of Feelings, the line definitely ruined the vibe of the area. Luckily, we made the line cut-off! Yes, there was a line cut-off at 5:45 PM when the museum closed at 9 PM. Honestly, it was smart of them to do that.
We waited about 4 hours in line. We were getting scared that we waited for a long a** time just to end up not getting in the museum. It was almost 9 PM. Fortunately, the museum had amazing staff and outstanding order and poise trying to control everything. They assured us that if we made the cut-off, we would get in the museum. The security guards even told us if anyone was trying to cut the line, we can report it to them and they will handle it. And they handled it beautifully. There was no cussing or yelling or fights. They spoke to the line-cutters nicely and got them to leave. However, there was this one incident when these stubborn line-cutters refused to leave. I don't understand it. You're just mad you were caught. They eventually left and everyone was clapping as they gave us the middle finger (sucks to suck, should not have cut).
It was way past 9 PM but we finally got in! There were five rooms of feelings. Each room had it's own theme (see the video for a clip of each room). The best rooms were definitely The Forest and Calm. The Forest room (don't remember its actually name) had green LED ropes hanging down from the ceiling. It felt very mysterious and mystical. It was comparable to the magical forests that you see in the movies. I wanted to stay there forever. The Calm room was foggy and the floor felt soft and squishy. We were in the clouds . . . actually.
It was overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time. I was overwhelmed by all the pictures and videos I could take. Doing it for the gram like everyone else who went there. There were so many opportunities for some cool shots but we were rushed. It was understandable though. The museum was suppose to be closed. I was underwhelmed because that's all there was. It was just for pictures. I imagined that there would be more. I spent 4 hours in the cold for 5 rooms and some Instagram pictures. Was it worth it? Yes, only because we got Halal Guys after!
I really give props to Glade for setting up this hype museum. Everyone on my feed posted pictures of it and everyone was talking about it. Very good marketing tactic! It's something that I appreciate because I'm going into the field of marketing. It's interesting how certain companies choose their strategy. I wonder how well it worked. Sure it gave Glade exposure, but did people actually buy the products? I also wonder why they decided to do this. This must have been a very expensive marketing campaign for them. They better have gotten a good ROI.

Note to Self: Doing it for the gram is worth it.

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